‘Hooley’ Kim Min-su continues his leadership career at Yeosu Hwayang High School

Former Kyung Hee University coach Kim Min-soo continues his career as a high school coach.

Minsu Kim resigned from his position as coach at Kyung Hee University after the 2023 KUSF University Basketball U-League and the KBL rookie player draft held on September 21. His new destination is Yeosu Hwayang High School.

Kyung Hee University coach Kim Hyun-guk, who met at Incheon’s Hana One Q Cheongna Gymnasium on the 13th, said, “Coach Kim Min-soo expressed his desire to move to coach A at Yeosu Hwayang High School. It was disappointing from the coach’s point of view, but he came after he had already made up his mind, so it was difficult to dissuade him. I sent him on his way and told him to do well. “It has already been reported to the school,” he explained.

It is difficult to understand the idea of ​​coaching at a college level and then moving to a high school position as an A coach, which is lower than a formal coach. However, the reason Kim Min-soo revealed was a new challenge.

Minsu Kim, who was contacted on the evening of the 13th, said, “I wanted to gain a variety of experiences while working as a coach for a long time. Until now, I was fortunate enough to teach juniors at my alma mater, but I wanted to teach high school players who were less accomplished than college players. Also, I wanted to teach young people, not adults, but teenagers.” “While teaching the players, I understood their psychology, and I also had a strong desire to learn and study more as a coach,” he explained.

Minsu Kim went down to Yeosu on the 13th and joined the team. His new team, Yeosu Hwayang High School, is participating in the 104th National Sports Festival as a representative of the Jeonnam region and will have a quarterfinal match against the winner of Yongsan High School and Sangsan Electronic High School on the 17th, but it has not yet been decided whether Kim Min-soo will sit on the bench.

He said, “I just joined the team, so I don’t know yet. Since I haven’t registered before the competition, it doesn’t seem likely that I will sit on the bench. Still, I will prepare for the competition with coach Sim Sang-moon and travel to Mokpo together. Even if I can’t sit on the bench, “I will watch the game from the stands and try to help the team in other ways,” he said.

Meanwhile, following the transfer of coach Kim Min-soo, Kyung Hee University plans to prepare for the 2024 season under the coach Kim Hyun-guk and Kim Woo-ram system.
